Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm Back!

     I started this blog about 4 months or so ago and due to circumstances beyond my control had to stop writing for awhile.  However, those have been taken care of, so I am going to try this again!

     I just began reading an assignment for my Old Testament Poetry class.  We have to read 5 chapters of our choice from the book of Proverbs.  I began at chapter 10, but stopped at 11:22 which says, "Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion."  I had to stop and ponder this piece of wisdom.  Ladies, how often do you let your discretion or judgment get away from you?  How many times do we make poor decisions about how we dress or the types of clothing we choose to wear?  How often do we let ourselves indulge in listening to or spreading a piece of gossip about someone we claim to be friends with?  I love the illustration that is used here in Proverbs.  A pig wearing beautiful jewelry would look ridiculous and the jewelry would be ruined!  How ridiculous do I look when I fail to use discretion?  And in failing to use wise judgment, am I then soiling my witness?  My personal goal for the next week is to memorize this verse, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me areas of my life where I need to practice discretion, and then ask for His help in doing so.  I would encourage you to make this your goal too!